Makeover Your Closet | Tips to Declutter and Minimize Your Wardrobe

Feb 27, 2022

Let's be honest.

At multiple points in our lives it becomes essential for a closet intervention.

And you know it's time for closet rehab when the following ring true:

  • You open your closet doors to select an outfit for the day and are immediately greeted by frightening piles of toppling sweaters and a bulging rack of hanging items
  • Finding an item in your closet is no longer a simple quest, but a major endeavor 
  • You find that although you have a closet full of clothing - you still have nothing to wear (hint - I believe this is the biggest sign your closet is in need of help!)

Have you been here before?

Perhaps you are right now? 

If so - there is no room for shame. It's time to buckle down and tackle this problem.

Here is how to do it.


What do you want your closet to look like? 

I'm aware that closet organization is not the most inspiring topic for the majority of us, but regardless it is crucial to envision the endgame of any goal before embarking on making it happen in order for the most optimal results to be accomplished.

Take some time to cruise Pinterest, Instagram or my favorite - "Organization TikTok" for some inspiration and ideas. I'd even recommend drawing up a quick sketch of what you'd like your closet to look like at the end of the process.

This is also the time to make those Amazon purchases if you find yourself in need of some extra tools to make your closet more functional. You can find a list of my favorite closet organizational pieces on Amazon here.



Everything must come out. Everything. 

And then you make a giant pile of all the items that were previously in your closet.

It will most likely be horrifying to see just how much you own in a new setting (ie, a giant mountain of garments on your bed), but it must be done in order to complete the process.



You guessed it. 

Next you get to go through each item - piece by piece - and determine its fate.

Will it stay or go?

And yes. I understand fully that this is not always a simple keep/donate decision - there is a lot of back and forth when it comes to whether or not you should part with clothing. This is exactly why I created this "Keep or Donate" flow chart that will help you work through those difficult decisions. 



After everything has been cleared and purged and you are left with a smaller pile of clothing that is to be returned to your closet, it's time to rearrange the space as needed. Perhaps you purchased some new shelving or hangers, maybe you have a new set of closet drawers to be installed, this is the time to put it all together.

If you didn't have the need to make any phisical changes to your closet, no worries. Take this time to remind yourself how your closet is to be laid out and your clothing arranged.



In my opinion, this is the best part.

Using your new plan and space - put everything in the "keep pile" back in your closet in its appropriate new place. You'll find that if done right, this process is extremely satisfying and once complete, you'll find yourself staring at this new aesthetically pleasing space housing your clothes with pride.



You may find that after you complete this process, you aren't left with much of a functional wardrobe and you may have the drive to make some new clothing purchases.

Before going out and mindlessly buying new garments to re-clutter your space, I recommend taking this time to create a capsule wardrobe for yourself.

A capsule wardrobe is a specific collection of clothing that is set at a certain number of pieces that correlate well together in order to create a variety of different looks for a set duration of time that perfectly complement the personal style and lifestyle of the capsule owner.

Ready to get started? This blog post can help.